When we update the Aadhar number in Finacle, sometime it show error " Either Aadhar number or Customer ID is already mapped" & we are not able to update the given AADHAAR to the desire Account number ( i.e Pensioner, Student, Gas connection etc.) because they already mapped with AADHAAR number with other Account number .
In that situation, we can solve these problem with following steps:-
First of all we open the Menu - HAPBSLN-
then Enter
Select Option - MODIFY
Select Account/AADHAAR - AADHAAR
AADHAAR Number -..... Write AADHAAR Number--
Now we have three option in Modify
2. Customer
3. Deletion
If you want to modify Customer , then select - Customer
Now erase the previous & write the new customer ID in which we want to add AADHAAR number . If the customer ID is same ( i.e. Only one ) the fetch the Account number tree. & select the fetch Account number.
After selecting the account , following screen will be appears.
After that click on Submit/Accept
Now Record Modify Successfully, wait for verification .....
I think it will help you to update the AADHAAR seeding where the error show "Either AADHAAR number or Customer ID is already mapped"
Nice steps